Hebrews 13
Pastor Mark preaches on the changeless Christ; God-pleasing sacrifices; and benediction.
Pastor Mark preaches on the changeless Christ; God-pleasing sacrifices; and benediction.
Pastor Jeff preaches on the faith of the patriarchs; the faith of Moses; by faith they overcame; the race of faith; the discipline of God; renew your spiritual vitality; the glorious company; and hear the heavenly voice.
Associate pastor Mark preaches on faithful Abraham; the heavenly hope; and the faith of the patriarchs.
Pastor Jeff preaches on by faith we understand; faith at the dawn of history.
Pastor Jeff preaches on animal sacrifices insufficient; Christ’s death fulfills God’s will; Christ’s death perfects the sanctified; hold fast your confession; and the just live by faith.
Pastor Jeff preaches on the new priestly service; a new covenant; the earthly sanctuary; limitations of the earthly service; the heavenly sanctuary; the mediator’s death necessary; and greatness of Christ’s sacrifice.
Pastor Jeff preaches on the King of Righteousness; need for a new priesthood; and greatness of the new priest.
Pastor Jeff preaches on the peril of not progressing; a better estimate; and God’s infallible purpose in Christ.
Associate pastor Mark preaches qualifications for high priesthood; on a priest forever; and spiritual immaturity.
Associate pastor David preaches on the qualifications for high priesthood.
Pastor Jeff preaches on the Son being faithful; you be faithful; the failure of the wilderness wanderers; the promise of rest; the word discovers our condition; and our compassionate High Priest.
Pastor Jeff preaches on God’s supreme revelation; the Son exalted above the angels; do not neglect salvation; the Son made lower than angels; and bringing many sons to glory.